In Azure, when deploying Azure App Services, you might want to connect them to a virtual network, which provides more security and control over network traffic. Connecting App Services to a subnet within a virtual network allows you to control inbound and outbound traffic using network security groups and other Azure networking features.

Here’s how you can join Azure App Services to a subnet in a virtual network:

  1. **Create a Virtual Network(VNet)**:

   – Navigate to the Azure portal.

   – Go to “Create a resource” and search for “Virtual Network”.

   – Follow the steps to create a VNet, specifying the address space and subnet configurations.

  1. **Create an App Service Plan**:

   – If you haven’t already, create an App Service Plan. This can be done under “App Services” in the Azure portal.

   – When creating or modifying the App Service Plan, you’ll have an option to select the VNet and subnet you want to join.

  1. **Configure the subnet**:

   – In the VNet settings, navigate to “Subnets” and create a subnet if you haven’t already.

   – Ensure that the subnet has a service endpoint for Microsoft.Web (App Service) if you want to restrict network access to just the App Service. This step is optional but recommended for security.

  1. **Join App Service to thesubnet**:

   – In the settings of your App Service Plan, look for the network settings.

   – You should see an option to select the Virtual Network and Subnet. Choose the one you created earlier.

  1. **Network Configuration**:

   – After joining the App Service to the subnet, you might want to configure network security groups (NSGs) or other networking settings to control inbound and outbound traffic to the App Service.

  1. **Testing**:

   – Once configured, test the connectivity of your App Service to ensure it can reach necessary resources and vice versa.

By following these steps, your Azure App Service should be connected to the specified subnet within your Virtual Network. This setup allows you to leverage Azure’s networking features for increased security and control over your application’s network traffic.

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